Next Cabaret Date Announced!
Dan will be doing his next cabaret show with his friend Tamara Zook on March 14, 2009. Watch these spaces for date and venue info!
Dan will be doing his next cabaret show with his friend Tamara Zook on March 14, 2009. Watch these spaces for date and venue info!
"Murderess," the film I was in last year, has won Best Animated Feature at the 2008 DIY Film Festival! More info is available at
The 28th Annual Razzie Awards took place on February 23rd and were a big hit. The LA Times even reviewed us and said of the opening number (which featured Paula Einstein and myself) "the campy stage act that opens the show would make Charles Busch and Joan Crawford proud. Today, a gal and drag guy did Britney Spears one better (or at least one color better) by donning pink and black wigs, mucho makeup and too-tight suburban frocks to croon a parody of "Good Morning, Baltimore" from "Hairspray." The performance of "Good Morning, Razzie Day" was truly winning and the lyrics clever, promising a celebration of the "worst of last year" that will leave Hollywood "trembling with fear."
You can read the entire review at:
CNN has a slide show of Razzie pics at:
Yahoo's coverage is at:
Fox has a video available by clicking on the Video link in their article about the Razzies:;jsessionid=38CC5166CDEF2EC985D0F75BD8CF2817?contentId=5866173&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1
Joe Tomsco has put together a video of his pictures from the show at:
And there are two different edits of the opening number up and running on You Tube:
Pictures are now up in the Photos section of this site.
I will be a performer/presenter again this year in the 28th Annual Razzies, to be held February 23rd at Magicopolis in Santa Monica, CA. This year's ceremony is at 10 AM, and I'll be featured in the opening number and presenting a couple of awards. Check back for more details as the show nears.
I just found a couple of clips on You Tube from when I appeared as “Gorilla Groom” on General Hospital back in 1991. Here are the links if you’d like to take a look!