In gearing up for the full production of RED, WHITE & TUNA, Roger Moon and I (under the direction of Allyson Moon) will be performing readings of the first two plays in the Tuna Trilogy. The performance schedule is as follows:
June 12 - GREATER TUNA reading (with multi-media stuff) at 2 PM, lunch starts at 12:30.
June 18 - A TUNA CHRISTMAS reading (with multi-media stuff) at 7:30 PM, dinner starts at 6:00.
June 30 - July 2 RED, WHITE & TUNA performances (full production) at 7:30 PM, dinner starts at 6:00.
All performances are in Messenger Auditorium on the Southwestern College campus in Winfield, KS. Tickets are $10 for show only or $25 for meal and show. (I don't know yet what they are serving.) Reservations can be made by calling 620-229-6171 or 800-846-1543 ext. 6171. All proceeds from these three productions will go towards lighting equipment for the renovation project of Richardson Theatre on the Southwestern Campus.
June 12 and 18 performances are basically for those who haven't seen the first two plays or would like to refresh their memories as to what all happened before RED, WHITE & TUNA begins. They will be reader's theatre style (Roger and I reading the script while there are photos from past productions projected behind us), so there won't be costume changes. However, you don't need to have seen the first two shows to understand and enjoy what is going on in RW&T. So if you are traveling to see the show, save your gas money to see the full production of RW&T!
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